NY Anti-Drillers Ramp Up the Rhetoric, Demand Cuomo Delay Again
As New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo nears a decision to allow fracking (what other decision can there be?), anti-drillers are once again becoming more shrill. Especially anti-drillers who also hold public office--they're the worst of the lot--total nutjobs who want to deny property rights to the citizens they supposedly represent. Even though we now have over 200,000 horizontally fracked shale wells, many of which are right across the border in Pennsylvania, and a multitude of scientific studies, the call goes forth again (from NY anti-drillers) that Cuomo should delay a decision. In other words--no drilling is acceptable to the unreasonable anti-driller. Not now, not ever. So the antis are ramping up the rhetoric ahead of a decision they fear will go against them...
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