UIL CEO “Disappointed” by Phila. Gas Works Deal Abortion

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We're left with one, very strong recommendation, after the abortion of the deal to sell Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) to UIL Holding, a Connecticut utility company: Philadelphia City Council members need to be investigated to see whose pockets have gotten fatter since the deal was aborted. The head of UIL has spoken on the record about the deal for the first time. In an interview last Friday, UIL CEO James Torgerson said he had met privately "multiple times" with all but two (of 17) Philly City Council members and by his count 9 of them would have voted "yes" on a deal to sell PGW to UIL. The only conclusion we can reach is that money has changed hands to stop the deal from going forward. What other conclusion can a sane, rational, thinking person reach? It's time for an investigation--in particular of Councilwoman Marian Tasco, who refused to meet and talk with UIL even once. Tasco chairs the Philadelphia Gas Commission. Too bad Pennsylvania's Attorney General, Kathleen Kane, refuses to investigate people from her own party. We say it's time for a special prosecutor to be appointed...

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