PA Study Finds No Negative Health Impacts from Marcellus Drilling

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The Center for Rural Pennsylvania, a bipartisan, bicameral legislative agency that serves as a resource for rural policy within the Pennsylvania General Assembly, has just published the second report in a series. Titled "The Impact of Marcellus Shale Development on Health and Health Care" (full copy embedded below), the report looks at whether incidences of certain health status indicators and demand for healthcare services changed in four heavily drilled PA counties--two in the northeast and two in the southwest--during the years that Marcellus drilling activity increased. Although the report says initial results are "preliminary" and "not conclusive," so far it seems that heavily drilled locations have not seen an increase in people injured or harmed because of shale drilling. About the only thing that did increase was the number of calls for emergency first responders--which can't conclusively be tied Marcellus drilling...

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