It's a wrap. MDN predicts one day we'll look back on January 5 and the pro-drilling rally hosted by the Joint Landowners Coalition of New York as the date when landowners and those of us who support shale drilling fully committed ourselves to ending Andrew Cuomo's frack ban in New York State. We will one day look back and say, "It all started there, on that date--our eventual victory." Landowners now understand they cannot be silent, they cannot depend on lawsuits alone, to change the situation in New York. Landowners, union members and even those without land but who support drilling were at the rally in huge numbers, they were mad and they expressed their willingness to fight to protect our Constitutional property rights. Make no mistake, it will be a fight. MDN previously wrote up our impressions of the meeting (see
NY Rally Fires Up Landowners to Fight Cuomo Frack Ban). Below we have a recap of this seminal event from the JLCNY, along with links to news stories about the event, in case you were not able to attend. This is where the beginning of the end of New York's frack ban began...
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