PA Grand Jury Finds Anti-Drilling AG Kathleen Kane Lied Under Oath

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Kathleen Kane, the anti-drilling Attorney General of Pennsylvania--lied under oath--according to a PA grand jury. That's called perjury and it's a crime. She should be removed from office immediately but she's fighting the charge using Lanny Davis--the same lawyer who kept Bill Clinton in office after he lied under oath. She's hoping lightening will strike twice and Davis will be able to restore her damaged-beyond-repair credibility as the state's top law enforcement officer, even though she herself has committed high crimes against the state. Why do we care? Because she's lied in at least two other cases that affect the Marcellus Shale industry: XTO Energy (see PA AG Abuses Her Authority, Files Criminal Charges Against XTO) and Minuteman Environmental Services (see Minuteman Sues AG Kane’s Office for $20M + Punitive Damages). She's vicious and relentless when it comes to smearing the Marcellus industry and she needs to go because of her own crimes...

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