Ben Franklin SGICC Technology Showcase Deadline is Friday, July 17

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Listen up supply chain companies with cool/new technologies aimed at the shale oil and gas marketplace. Is your technology ready for a field test? Looking for companies to invest to get get your big idea to market? We have an opportunity for you. The Ben Franklin Shale Gas Innovation & Commercialization Center, the same great folks who bring you the annual Shale Innovation Contest (see Winners of $100K for 2015 Shale Gas Innovation Contest Announced), are sponsoring a Technology Showcase once again at this fall's Shale Insight 2015 Conference. Up to 10 companies will get a chance to make an 8-minute pitch followed by a 2-minute Q&A with the audience. The Technology Showcase has been the successful launching pad for a number of products that are now a commercial success. Below are the details on how to enter. But hurry! You must have your application submitted by this Friday, July 17...

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