This is the story of wasting $2.5 million of taxpayer's money. Penn State has given us some of the best research (and personnel) we've ever seen when it comes to the Marcellus Shale. In particular we're thinking of Penn State's
Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research (MCOR). Great people. Super research. But then there are others at Penn State who don't like shale energy and concoct some pretty creative ways to stop it. We recently came across something called
Marcellus by Design from Penn State's Department of Landscape Architecture. This new initiative from Penn State received $2.5 million from the National Science Foundation (funded by your tax dollars and mine) to travel around the state and use a website to "educate" people about the aesthetics of the Marcellus. In other words, where should you put a pipeline? And how will it look? They've designed online "games" to help in this mission. Yes, it's as stupid as it sounds. The aim is, of course, to not install a pipeline at all. It's an elaborate anti-drilling hoax cloaked to look like something it is not. After a pipeline is in the ground for a few years, you can't even tell it's there. We think the $2.5 million grant would have been better spent on where to site windmills in PA. We've traveled through northeast and southeast PA quite a bit, and it never ceases to amaze us (going down the PA Turnpike from Wilkes-Barre to Philadelphia, for example) to spot entire hillsides covered with ugly, imposing windmills--destroying the natural beauty of the area--not to mention being huge bird killers. Why didn't the Dept. of Landscape Architecture study that, instead of Marcellus pipelines?...
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