Just prior to going on trial for committing felonies while in office, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane (Democrat) needed something, ANYTHING, to distract the press from focusing on her own crimes. Since she took office in January 2013, Kane has targeted the Marcellus industry. One of the first high profile cases she manufactured (out of nothing) was to accuse XTO Energy of committing a crime in an accidental spill of a few thousand gallons of frack wastewater--an accident in Lycoming County, PA that happened years before she took office and didn't have any long-term effects (see
PA AG Abuses Her Authority, Files Criminal Charges Against XTO). The case Kane has tried to manufacture against XTO, launched in her first year in office, is finally over. Instead of dragging it out further, XTO decided to pay Kane $400,000 to make it all go away (called a shakedown in the organized crime world). Kane is settling with XTO using a "rehabilitation" program normally used for drunk drivers without a prior record--that's how desperate she is to get this case settled and turn the focus away from herself for a few days. "Coincidentally" Kane's own felony trial begins on Monday. It'll be a sweet day to watch her frog marched out in leg irons when she's convicted...
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