Credit: Columbus Dispatch (click for larger version)
In 2012 a group of what some call "aggressive" anti-drilling zealots flying under the name of Appalachia Resist ran a training camp in Athens County, OH to incite impressionable young idiots into criminal acts under the guise of saving the planet (see Anti-Drillers in Ohio Learn to Break the Law at Special Camp). They taught their lessons well. Three months later a small mob of 100 or so stormed a shale wastewater treatment facility in Washington County, OH, vandalizing equipment and terrorizing the workers (see Protesters Get Violent, Shut Down OH Frack Water Plant). These are not "peaceful acts of civil disobedience" as is claimed by some biased media reports. These are criminals acting and behaving like criminals. In 2014 they temporarily shut down an Ohio injection well (see Anti-Drilling Protesters Shut Down OH Injection Well – 1 Arrested), and in 2015 they vandalized a pipeline construction site (see Radicalized Ohio U Students Vandalize Pipeline Construction Site). With the recent total defeat of their cause in Ohio (community after community voting down so-called Community Bill of Rights resolutions), Appalachia Resist has run out of things to protest. So on Tuesday they decided to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline--in front of Ohio Gov. John Kasich's office in Columbus, OH. We know we know--the Dakota Access Pipeline is some 1,200 miles (and 20 hours by car) from Columbus. But that didn't stop a small group of a dozen or so from making horses rear-ends of themselves. One in particular decided to chain himself to the axle of his van, blocking traffic for an hour while law enforcement saved him from himself. Here's the latest antics from Appalachia Resist...
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