Pipeline Jihadists “Double Down” on Other Pipes After Losing DAPL

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We don't use the word "jihadist" lightly or flippantly. A jihad is, according to Websters, "a crusade for a principle or belief." Most of the time the media uses the term in reference to radical Muslims who perpetrate acts of terror and crime in a holy war to convert the world to Islam. We think there's a close parallel to some (not all) extreme environmentalists. It is irrefutable that many in the environmental movement view their cause as a kind of holy war--against those they believe are harming Mom Earth. Against those who don't or won't "convert" to their philosophy on how best to protect the environment (i.e. dump the use of fossil fuels). Some of these extremists tip over into criminal and even terrorist activities. We saw it in the protests of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) project in North Dakota, when so-called protesters vandalized millions of dollars of equipment, set tires on fire, illegally blocked roads, and (one) even shot at police officers (see Police Remove Pipeline Protesting THUGS from Private Land in ND). Last week, in a coordinated attack, holes were burned in two different Dakota Access Pipeline above-ground valve stations in two different states (see Eco-Terrorists Burn Holes in Dakota Access Pipeline in 2 States). With oil now flowing through DAPL (the antis lost), the same group of people who opposed DAPL are now pledging to "double down" on several proposed pipeline projects--to stop them by any means necessary. One of the projects targeted for aggressive opposition is Dominion's Atlantic Coast Pipeline--right here in the Marcellus/Utica. Given their previous behavior, we think it's warranted to label these people as environmental jihadists. We certainly hope the FBI is paying attention to their activities...

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