Isn't it refreshing when those who oppose something, like fracking, or pipelines, are just honest about their true "heart of hearts" motivation? We've made the case for years that charlatans like Josh Fox (of Gasland infamy) attempt to manipulate public opinion through the use of lies--like "fracking pollutes water" and "pipelines explode." They attempt to smear fundamentally safe practices like fracking through the use of innuendo, supposition and lies. What is their true motivation? They oppose fossil fuels. They believe, in a rather kindergartenish way, that solar and wind and so-called renewable energy sources are superior--and if you don't want to pay the high price of those sources, well, they want to FORCE you to accept it. But we're not Stalinist Russia--yet. They can't just enforce their will on the public. So they have to convince enough of the public to believe their lies that politicians will follow suit and pass laws to strip away more of our freedoms (see
Maryland Gov. Hogan Pulls the Trigger, Commits Fracking Suicide for the latest example). So when someone comes along, like Lea Harper from the FreshWater Accountability Project, and admits openly and without reservation that she (our words) hates fossil fuels, what she calls "extreme energy extraction," well, we find it refreshing. We don't have to dance around all of the side issues and lies normally pedaled by the opposition--we can then talk about the the real issue, which is the superiority and goodness of fossil fuels vs. alternatives...
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