CPV Fairview Energy Center - click for larger version
It took a few years, but Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) has finally broken ground and has begun to build a new Marcellus gas-fired power plant in Cambria County, PA. Located 60 miles east of Pittsburgh, the CPV Fairview Energy Center is a 1,050-megawatt natural gas and ethane-fueled two-by-one combined-cycle electric generating plant expected to begin commercial operations in early 2020. CPV held the groundbreaking ceremony at the site on Tuesday--a former brownfield site off Route 271 near Vinco in Jackson Township. President and CEO Gary Lambert said it "only" took three years to get through the permitting process, from conception to groundbreaking. That seems like two years too many to us, but hey, who are we? Local officials attended and are pumped. According to Bruce Baker, Jackson Township supervisors’ chairman, "This is arguably one of the biggest events that ever happened in Cambria County – especially Jackson Township, for sure." The project will take 30 months to build, providing jobs for up to 500 people during construction, and when it's done, the plant will power 1 million homes. All powered by Marcellus Shale gas...
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