In October, local officials in Plum, PA (Allegheny County) approved a plan by Huntley & Huntley (H&H) to drill a series of Marcellus wells on a single well pad in their municipality (see
Plum, PA Gives Huntley & Huntley Green Light for Shale Drilling). Plum’s leaders got blowback from some residents (antis) over their decision to conditionally approve H&H’s request. In Plum, fracking is allowed in any zone if a conditional use is granted. That’s what happened in October--the Plum Council issued a conditional use exception for H&H to drill on 92 acres near Coxcomb Hill Road in Plum. To avoid dealing with more such conditional cases, Plum Council cooked up proposed changes to zoning ordinances (ordinances which haven’t been updated since 1993) that will only allow fracking in rural residential and industrial zones (see
Plum, PA Officials Hold Hearing on New Restrictions for Fracking). At the time, H&H said the changes would be too restrictive. However, they appear to have adopted the "half a loaf is better than no loaf" philosophy, opting to support the new rules. Yesterday Plum Council moved ahead and adopted the new rules. Antis blew a gasket. They think the new rules are still too lenient because it allows drilling in rural residential areas. One mouthy anti planted herself in front of the microphone yesterday and refused to move, threatening to sue everyone and everything related to the vote "if my family, my property, myself is damaged in any way." Whatever. Here's what went down yesterday in Plum...
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