Gazprom Neft's oil refinery in Omsk, Russia February 10, 2020 (credit: Reuters)
We sometimes wonder whether MDN readers believe us when we make statements about other countries, like Russia (and Vladimir Putin) as being enemies of the United States. "Oh, that's just Jim popping off again. More hyperbole." We hope not. We mean exactly what we say. And we can back it up with evidence. Take, for example, a press release issued by Gazprom, the Russia-owned natural gas powerhouse that exports natgas to other countries, primarily in Asia and Europe. When America figured out shale energy and fracking, we displaced Russia and Gazprom as the largest natural gas producer in the world. We quickly scooped up some of Russia's customers with our LNG. Russia has been fighting to regain its top-dog position ever since. Yesterday Gazprom issued a propaganda press release (below) that directly attacks the U.S. shale industry and our LNG exports, trying to paint our natgas exports as "dirty"--the exact word they use.
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