PECO NatGas Reliability Stn Near Philly Still on Hold 2 Mos Later
In the autumn of 2020, utility company PECO (headquartered in Philadelphia) floated a plan to build a natural gas reliability station in Marple Township (Delaware County, PA) to allow the company to distribute more natural gas into Delaware County through 11.5 miles of new natural gas main lines. The PA Public Utility Commission (PUC) granted PECO’s request to build the station, and the PUC's decision was promptly challenged in court. In March, Commonwealth Court ruled against the PUC decision, instructing the agency to take another look before granting permission to build the reliability station (see Court Overturns PUC Decision Allowing PECO NatGas Reliability Stn). Since that time, the project has been on hold.
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