Say NO to ‘Permitting Reform’ that Does Not Include O&G Projects
Ever notice how the left loves to stack the deck? Change the rules. Rig the game. Play unfair. That's what's happening with so-called "permitting reform" bouncing around the D.C. swamp right now. Sen. Joe Manchin (liberal Democrat from West Virginia) wants permitting reform that benefits both fossil energy projects (including the Mountain Valley Pipeline), and so-called renewable energy projects. But here's what's happening. The Bidenistas are nodding their heads, slapping Joe on the back, and voicing their support for his latest bill (see Joe Manchin Floats New “Save MVP” Permitting Bill, Biden Supports). But their strategy is to gut Manchin's bill, or any proposed bill on permitting reform, purging the sections that would benefit fossil fuel projects. The Bidenistas want permitting reform that benefits renewables ONLY--not fossil energy. And they're willing to lie, cheat, and do whatever it takes to pass a version of the bill they want, to rig the game in their favor.
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