Radicals Organize Protest Against Tiny New England Regulating Stn

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This story gets a little complicated, but we'll do our best to explain. The Algonquin Gas Transmission (AGT) pipeline (owned by Enbridge) transports up to 3.09 Bcf/d through 1,131 miles of pipeline. Algonquin connects to Texas Eastern Transmission (TETCO), Millennium Pipeline, and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline and supplies New England with critically needed natural gas supplies for power generation and consumer use. Anti-fossil fuel fanatics who see carbon dioxide molecules under every rock and lurking in every shadow claim a tiny upgrade to an AGT regulating station (costing $15.7 million) in Connecticut is part of Enbridge's Master Plan to expand AGT throughout the region. Led by the radicals of the Sierra Club, protesters will hold a meeting on Thursday to oppose the upgrades to a regulating station that does nothing more than aim to keep the gas reliably flowing through existing pipes.

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