Lefties Try to Convince PA Supreme Court RGGI Carbon Tax is a Fee

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One thing we admire about the left is that they never give up. Yes, they cheat. Yes, they lie. Yes, they use foreign money. But the environmental left never, ever, gives up. An example: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) has filed an amicus ("friend of the court") brief asking the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to reverse a Commonwealth Court decision that led to its voiding the state’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI is an obscene carbon tax that will (a) raise the price of electricity for residents in PA and neighboring states that use PA's electricity and (b) stop any new natural gas-fired power plants from being built in the state. In time, RGGI will also kill off existing PA gas-fired power plants. That's precisely what the left wants to see happen, and it is using its resources (money and lawyers) to try and make it happen.

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