
Kentucky Launches New Study of Rogersville Shale Potential

The CSRC horizontal research well will be drilled from the pilot hole of the Bruin Exploration 1 Young well, highlighted in red (click for larger version)

The State of Kentucky is spending $7.4 million ($5.9 million coming from the U.S. Dept. of Energy) to study the oil and gas potential of the Rogersville Shale (and other formations) located in eastern Kentucky. Which is big news for us in light of previous failed attempts to drill in the Rogersville.
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2nd Rogersville Shale Test Well Coming to WV

Last year Cabot Oil & Gas drilled the very first test well into West Virginia’s Rogersville Shale (see Cabot Drills Test Well in WV Rogersville Shale, More on the Way?). We later found out the permit was to drill to a total depth of 14,000 feet (see How Deep Did Cabot O&G Drill Their Rogersville Test Well in WV?). Now a second Rogersville test well has been permited–but not to Cabot. The second Rogersville Shale well permit was made last week to Hard Rock Exploration, based in Charleston, WV. Hard Rock’s permit gives it permission to drill down to 15,000 feet into the Rogersville in…
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How Deep Did Cabot O&G Drill Their Rogersville Test Well in WV?

Journey to the Center of the EarthThe Rogersville Shale once again popped up on the radar. Yesterday at the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association (WVONGA) Conference in Wheeling, WV, a research geologist with the Kentucky Geological Survey talked about the Rogersville Shale, outlining its geography in both WV and KY. Corky Demarco, executive director of WVONGA chimed in with a reminder that Cabot Oil & Gas has drilled a test well in the WV Rogersville in Putnam County (see Cabot Drills Test Well in WV Rogersville Shale, More on the Way?). The new news coming from Demarco’s comments yesterday is how deep Cabot’s test well was drilled…
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Rogersville Shale Secrets Exposed – Appalachia’s “Next Big Thing”?

The editors of the top-flight NGI Shale Daily publication have put together a free special report on the Rogersville Shale–and you can download it by providing only your name and email address. So far, the Rogersville Shale, a formation that’s part of the Rome Trough in the Appalachian Basin, has largely flown under the radar. A new special report from the editors of NGI’s Shale Daily exposes what some E&Ps had hoped to keep secret. A half dozen or more E&Ps are clandestinely attempting to learn more about the Rogersville Shale–and a land grab is on to lock up lease rights for thousands of acres before the word gets out. An E&P early pioneer in the Rogersville drilled a test well in October 2013 that was later permitted for full production. The company secured a one-year confidentially agreement before they are required to release a completions report. On or about August 20, the one-year time limit expires. What new information will be disclosed?…
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