Exclusive: MDN Interviews PA DEP Sec. Chris Abruzzo

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Christopher AbruzzoMDN became aware that newly nominated (and currently Acting) Secretary of the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection, Chris Abruzzo, would be attending Shale Insight 2013. So we requested an interview with the Secretary, and he obliged! To our knowledge, we were the only media interview he granted during a brief walking around the show visit on Wednesday. MDN editor Jim Willis asked Sec. Abruzzo some tough questions, including his take on the PA Attorney General's criminal lawsuit against XTO (seeĀ PA AG Abuses Her Authority, Files Criminal Charges Against XTO); his biggest challenge since holding the office in April; how he responds to the charge that the DEP is sometimes too cozy with the drilling industry; an update on the DEP's study of air quality near drilling sites and compressor stations (seeĀ DEP Marcellus Air Study in SW PA Extended Extra Half Year); and his response to John Hanger (former Secretary of the DEP) about his remarks that Abruzzo's appointment was "bizarre and irresponsible"...

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