PA Media Continues to Henpeck Corbett Admin on Warming Mythology

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The reliably anti-drilling StateImpact Pennsylvania (left-leaning NPR affiliate) continues to henpeck PA Gov. Tom Corbett's administration over the fantasy of "global warming." They're trying to fabricate an issue out of the fact that some on the Corbett team don't believe in global warming as strongly as they do. Some in the Corbett administration have the temerity (we'd say the guts) to challenge the notion that Planet Earth is about to fry to a crisp because of the carbon-producing activities of humans. The whole notion is so silly it's beyond belief, but saying so out loud will earn you the badge of being a quack--a badge that MDN proudly wears. StateImpact PA tried to tar & feather Acting Secretary of the Dept. of Environmental Protection Chris Abruzzo last week (see PA DEP Sec. Abruzzo Grilled by PA Senate on Global Warming). StateImpact PA thought they might as well do a 2-for-1 drive-by reporting special, so they also went after Corbett energy adviser Patrick Henderson. Here's how that went...

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