Everyone knows how mercenary and evil those oil and gas companies are. They're just in it for the buck. Rape and pillage poor Mother Earth--pollute the air, pollute the water, pollute everything! Those shale drillers are actually some of the worst, ya know. That's what the anti-drilling left would have you believe. That's the meme constantly drummed by mainstream media. Throw in a "Halliburton loophole" and "Dimock" or maybe a "Pavillion, Wyoming" and you're good to go with the typical mainstream coverage of our industry. Just a teeny, tiny problem...none of it is true.
MDN previously told you about Cabot Oil & Gas' largess in helping raise $4.4 million for a rural hospital in Montrose, PA (see
Cabot Effort Raises $4.4 Million for PA Physicians Clinic). Of that $4.4 million, Cabot themselves donated $2.2 million to the kitty. That is serious money folks. And now,
Cabot has done it again. Today, if you're reading this on April 11, 2014, Cabot announced a $2.5 million gift to Lackawanna College (Scranton, PA). The gift will directly fund the School of Petroleum & Natural Gas located in New Milford, PA. It marks the largest single private donation in the history of Lackawanna College. Kudos to Cabot! Cabot is a sterling company--one of the backbones of the Marcellus Shale, the biggest (and best) shale play in the United States...
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