20 People Crash FERC Meeting, Complain about Cove Point LNG

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Some 20 citizens out of the 88,737 that live in Calvert County, Maryland--where the Dominion Cove Point LNG export facility is to be built--crashed a recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) meeting to express their displeasure with the government's approval of the Cove Point plant. What really ticked them off was that FERC didn't send the top brass out to Calvert but instead used lower level reps. So 0.0002 of the population of Calvert County performed what they called "an unannounced intervention," which is another way of saying they threw a snit fit. More behaving badly in public--like they always do. Here's a glittering example of "how to win friends and influence people" at FERC brought to you by the anti-drilling folks of Calvert County, all 20 of them:

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