NY Gov. Cuomo Backs Billionaire Solar Guy Over Fracking
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is about to direct $750 million of taxpayer's hard-earned money to go to Elon Musk, founder of Paypal and Tesla Motors, a man whose net worth is $11.7 BILLION. Why? It's Cuomo's crony capitalism move to get Musk to build a manufacturing plant near Buffalo that will produce (don't laugh) solar panels. Can anyone say "Solyndra"? Cuomo is hoping to buy votes Upstate NY jobs with his latest sleazy move. Meanwhile, if Cuomo would only open the state for hydraulic fracturing, he wouldn't have to spend a dime of taxpayer money to create thousands of new jobs and lift the standard of living for everyone in Upstate. Instead, he prefers to steal from already-poor taxpayers and reward the super rich. Here's more on the latest travesty unfolding in NY...
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