UTOPIA Pipeline Sues Holdout OH Landowners Using Eminent Domain

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UTOPIA Pipeline map - click for larger version
Just yesterday MDN was commenting that it seems like Ohio antis aren't all that bothered by Kinder Morgan's UTOPIA ethane pipeline (see Why is UTOPIA Pipeline Less “Controversial” than NEXUS in Ohio?). Perhaps we spoke to soon! UTOPIA has gotten a lot more controversial since they just filed a flurry of lawsuits against holdout landowners, using eminent domain statutes. The real eye-popper we learn when reading about the eminent domain proceedings is just how much Kinder Morgan was offering for easements to property owners. Of course what you're offered all depends on how many feet of land the pipeline will cross. Some landowners were offered up to $63,300 for an easement. In some cases, the offers were "more than 10 times the appraised value of the easement." It's certainly in a landowner's best interest to settle before being forced to settle (for far less) via eminent domain. Here's how it's going for several landowners who object to the pipeline...

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