In July MDN reported that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved Eastern Shore Natural Gas' (ESNG) System Reliability Project (see
600 Days & Counting to Build a 7-Mile NatGas Pipeline in PA-DE). ESNG is a local gas utility serving the Delmarva Peninsula, which includes most of Delaware and portions of Maryland and Virginia. Their System Reliability Project includes 10.1 miles of new looping pipeline and a compressor station upgrade. Part of that pipeline has taken nearly two years to get approved, thanks to the insane objections of anti-fossil fuelers. It is good news that the project is moving forward. On the heals of that approval comes another FERC approval for ESNG: FERC has approved ESNG's plan to deliver an extra 45,000 dekatherms per day of natural gas via its pipeline to service Calpine's 309 megawatt electric generation plant in Dover, Delaware...
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