The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), charged with overseeing potential impacts on the Delaware River and the various tributaries that feed it, has stepped outside of its legal bounds with plans to review the PennEast Pipeline, part of which will run through the Delaware River Basin area. In 2014 the DRBC tried to tell PennEast and its sponsors that the pipeline will need their approval before it can be built (see
DRBC Tells PennEast They Need DRBC (Not Just FERC) Approval). There’s just one teeny tiny problem with the DRBC’s plan. It’s called the U.S. Constitution. PennEast is permitted solely by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), not any other agency including the quasi-governmental DRBC. No matter, the DRBC is plowing ahead with its plan and will hold a public hearing this Wednesday, March 15. We previously shared with you the secret marching orders from anti-pipeline Nazis called THE Delaware Riverkeeper (see
THE Delaware Riverkeeper Plans to Pack DRBC Hearing to Oppose PennEast). Our insider has sent us two more communications from Riverkeeper to the apparently mind-numbed robots they call supporters. The first email went out last Wednesday with instructions for the protesters who will attend the meeting. Riverkeeper is providing comments for them to read at the hearing. All of it 100% scripted. The follow-up email on Friday had to re-instruct the faithful. Apparently there was confusion and Riverkeeper had to tell them, once again, that they are to read from what THE Delaware Riverkeeper herself (Maya van Rossum) has written. Listen up stupids: you read what Maya wrote--you don't depart from the script--or you risk her considerable wrath. Apparently Riverkeeper's protesting followers are not bright enough to form their own arguments against PennEast...
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