Harrison County, WV NatGas Electric Plant Close to Final Approval

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In June the West Virginia Public Service Commission held a public hearing in Clarksburg, WV on the proposed ESC Harrison County Power Plant project (see Public Hearing Held for Harrison County, WV NatGas Electric Plant). ESC (Energy Solutions Consortium ) was founded by father and son team Andrew and Matthew Dorn, based in Buffalo, NY. The Dorns are behind a series of WV natgas-fired electric plants, the first of which will get built in Marshall County (see Progress for 3 WV NatGas Electric Plants; 1 Breaks Ground in 2016). At the public hearing, about the only person to speak against the project was the predictable nuts from the Sierra Club--opposed because they claim it will contribute to man-made global warming. Whatever. The time for public comments to the PSC is now over, and the PSC reports receiving 540 positive comments--and one negative comment. What does that tell you? The project still needs a few more permits (air and water) and is jumping through multiple government hoops now. However, ESC plans to have everything in hand, and the project bidded out, by the end of this year--with construction beginning early next year. Here's an update on this vitally important, $600-$800 million project...

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