PA Big Green Groups Attack Mariner East PR Agency – Too Effective

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Totally biased, Big Green-backed mouthpiece StateImpact Pennsylvania, funded in part by taxpayers via PBS (a travesty), as well as funded in part by anti-drilling organizations like the Heinz Endowments and the William Penn Foundation (which appear to control StateImpact's "reporting"), is targeting a PR agency because the agency has the audacity to do good work for Sunoco Logistics and the Mariner East 2 Pipeline project. You see, in liberal anti-drilling land, it's OK for antis to smear and lie and fabricate all sorts of falsehoods about pipeline projects--but it's not OK for the object of those smears (i.e. Sunoco LP) to fight back and to present its side of the issue. As soon as you fight back and tell your side of the story, you're "targeting" innocent people, you're attempting to bully the little guy. You're mean. You're pedaling fossil fuel death. That's how it works in Big Green land. A recent article on StateImpact PA attempts a smear job on PR agency Bravo Group because Bravo has the gonads to say this on their website: "We’re helping Sunoco Logistics build public and policyholder support for its Mariner East projects, an infrastructure investment of more than $3 billion. The goal: secure regulatory approvals, neutralize opposition and develop the Mariner East projects on budget and without capital losses." The "neutralize opposition" phrase in particular set off the anti-pipeline crazies, so StateImpact created an entire story focused on that phrase. You know you're being effective when they attack you with a smear campaign...

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