USFS Approves Atlantic Coast Pipeline Thru 2 National Forests

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In January 2016 the Obama U.S. Forest Service (USFS) turned down a request from Dominion’s $5 billion Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) project from West Virginia through Virginia and into North Carolina, to pass through two different national forests (see US Forest Service Blocks Atlantic Coast Pipeline in National Forests). USFS refused to grant Dominion a special permit to cross teeny tiny sections of the Monongahela National Forest (MNF) and George Washington National Forest (GWNF) in West Virginia and Virginia respectively. Why? Because of concerns about cow knob salamanders, northern flying squirrels and red spruce trees. Dominion and ACP bent over backwards, forwards and sideways to avoid running through cow nob salamander territory (see Dominion Files Pipeline Route Change to Avoid Salamanders, Swamp). But in the end, the Obamadroids at USFS didn't like Dominion or their plan. However, there's a new administration in office now. And with the new administration, USFS has reconsidered and last week granted ACP approval to traverse those teeny tiny sections of MNF and GWNF...

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