Fed Court Dismisses Anti Lawsuit to Stop Atlantic Coast Pipeline

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Earlier this month MDN reported that the Southern Environmental Law Center and Appalachian Mountain Advocates, on behalf of a mishmash of second tier radical groups, filed a “hail Mary” request with the federal Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to stop construction of Dominion Energy's Atlantic Coast Pipeline until a lawsuit sitting before the Fourth Circuit questioning the validity of the permits granted for the project is played out (see Big Green Makes Desperate Attempt to Stop Atlantic Coast Pipe). Last week the Fourth Circuit responded by denying the request to stop ACP. Why? Because the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has not yet decided on whether or not to rehear their decision on ACP, which Big Green previously requested. FERC has used a "tolling order" to give themselves more time to consider whether or not they were wrong in approving the ACP project. The Fourth Circuit doesn't have jurisdiction until FERC makes a decision on rehearing. In the meantime, construction on ACP continues...

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