Will WV Sen. Manchin Sell Out the Country to Get MVP Finished?
We've been keeping an eye on articles that appear with increasing regularity from the D.C. swamp hinting that West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is talking with New York Senator Chuck "the schmuck" Schumer about Biden's harebrained New Green Deal bill that would shut down even more fossil energy and soar inflation above the currently unbelievable level of 9.1%. The Washington Post, in particular, is pressuring Manchin to go along and pass a bill hoping it will help the Democrats win in November. Since appealing to Manchin's loyalty to the Democrat Party is going nowhere, the Dems have decided to bribe Manchin by promising him the moon--including a fast track to finish the 94% completed Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project. Will Joe Manchin cave and trade away the country's future in return for completing an important M-U pipeline? Will Washington Dems torpedo MVP if Manchin doesn't play along? He's on the horns of a dilemma.
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