Kamala Harris’ Position Supporting Nat’l Frack Ban Roils PA Voters

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Here is an incontrovertible fact: In a CNN town hall debate during the 2019 presidential primary, Kamala Harris said, "There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking." She hasn't changed her position in the last five years. And that's a problem for Harris in "swing" states like Pennsylvania. She said she would ban it from "day one" on federal lands and then work her way around to private lands later. The left always uses incrementalism. There is no question that Harris is left of Joe Biden if such a thing is possible. We think it's quite possible Harris will try to recruit PA's dud, do-nothing Governor, Josh Shapiro, to run with her as her VP candidate to try and persuade PA voters that her radical position supporting a fracking ban shouldn't prevent them from voting for her. Harris figures that if Shapiro is on the ticket, it will assuage voters' concerns. Don't fall for it. If Harris loses PA, she loses the election.

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