US Steel Tests New Pipe Connector in Range Resources Marcellus Well

For more than a year MDN has told you about a brewing controversy–South Korea and other countries “dumping” steel pipes on the U.S. market–selling pipes for below cost to corner the market and force out competitors. Concerns about dumping caught the attention of Congress who pressured the Obama Administration and in July 2014 the Dept. of Commerce slapped new/high tariffs on steel pipes from South Korea and eight other countries (see Commerce Dept Slaps Foreign Countries for Steel Pipe Dumping). One of the problems drillers face is that some of the steel pipes and connectors they use are specialized, and only available from foreign producers. U.S. Steel, headquartered in Pittsburgh, is working to address that. They’ve just completed a successful test of a new pipe connector in a Marcellus well drilled by Range Resources in Washington County, PA…
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