Dimock, PA Among Likely Locations for EPA Study of Hydraulic Fracturing

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A critical component in the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) plan to study hydraulic fracturing is where they will conduct case studies. Starting on page 42 of the draft proposal, we find out.

There were 48 proposed locations suggested to the EPA, from which they will select between five and eight locations. We know five likely locations right now, and two of those are in the Marcellus Shale region—the other three are in other shale formations around the country.

It will come as no surprise that Dimock, PA is in the list (located in Susquehanna County).

Here are the two Marcellus locations to be used as case studies, along with what the EPA is looking to get answered as a result of their studies:

Location Areas to be investigated Potential Outcomes
Marcellus Shale—Bradford and Susquehanna Counties, PA
  • Ground water and drinking water well contamination
  • Suspected surface water contamination from a spill of fracturing fluids
  • Methane contamination of multiple drinking water wells
  • Determine if drinking water wells are contaminated
  • Determine source of methane in private wells
  • Transferable results due to common types of impacts
Marcellus Shale—Wetzel County, WV; Green/ Washington Counties, PA
  • Changes in water quality in drinking water, suspected contamination
  • Stray gas in wells, spills
  • Determine if drinking water wells are contaminated
  • Determine if surface spills affect surface and ground water
  • If contamination exists, determine potential source of contaminants in drinking water

*EPA Draft Study of Hydraulic Fracturing (PDF)