Health “Study” of Whopping 27 People Blames Drilling for Symptoms

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A very small, statistically invalid and anecdotal set of 27 people in Washington County, PA who claim the ill health symptoms they have are caused by activities related to shale gas drilling is reason enough for the AP to trumpet a story that shale drilling causes negative health impacts. The symptoms include skin rashes, eye irritation, breathing problems and headaches--i.e., just an average day at the local walk-in clinic. But because there are shale wells, a gas processing plant and compressor stations nearby, the drilling industry is blamed for the symptoms. Hmm, there's roads nearby. Are the roads to blame? There's railroads nearby--are they to blame? There's a Girl Scout troupe get the picture. Nope. Drilling is squarely to blame for this "array of symptoms" because these people claim they didn't have the symptoms prior to drilling but they do now. We wonder, are any of them members of the Sierra Club?...

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