What Did NYC Lawmakers Find when Visiting NE PA Frack Sites?
A small group of anti-drilling New York State lawmakers from Westchester County and New York City came to Susquehanna County, PA yesterday for a "tour" of one of the most drilled (and productive) natural gas counties in PA. We're guessing local anti-drilling celebrity (and potty mouth) Vera Scroggins led the tour, although we don't know for sure. Regardless of who led it, the aim was to show the devastation fracking hath wrought to this poor, defenseless county. Unfortunately for Vera and other anti-drillers, reality trumps their hallucinations.
MDN was not along for the so-called tour, but we know what the visiting city folks found because we've also toured the county and its drilling sites: They found a pretty, rural county where the people are happy and employed, (some of them newly rich, which disgusts the old rich of NYC), and where there is no industrial wasteland. Sometimes trucks clog the roadways--but nothing like the traffic the visiting downstate lawmakers experience every day of their lives...
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