Yesterday MDN brought you the news that the radical Sierra Club had prevailed in a federal lawsuit against a trio of pipeline projects in the southeast (see
DC Court of Appeals Legislates New Law re FERC & Global Warming). The ruling by the D.C. Court of Appeals requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to reconsider the projects based on their potential impact on mythical man-made global warming. As we said yesterday, it won't take long for Big Green groups to use the decision to make trouble at FERC for other projects. Indeed, it's already begun. The Southern Environmental Law Center (radical leftist group) is calling on FERC to throw out its previous environmental assessment for the Dominion $5 billion Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP)--a project that will run from West Virginia through Virginia and into North Carolina. Southern Environmental Law Center says FERC must now weigh the impacts of the pipeline on global warming, because 80% of the natural gas flowing through it will feed clean-burning natural gas-fired electric plants in the South. Apparently the nutters would rather have dirty coal than clean natural gas for electric power generation. Or perhaps they prefer no electricity at all? Just turn off those air southern conditioners and sit in the dark and sweat. This turn of events--a blizzard of FERC challenges--was entirely predictable...
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