Shell Pays Varying Amounts for Ethane Pipe Easements – Latest

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MDN has been tracking the prices paid by Shell to landowners to run an ethane pipeline under their land to feed the might cracker plant the company is just now beginning to build in Beaver County, PA. Why? So landowners in Beaver (and other locations) have a useful metric for judging the offers they receive. To be fair, a company that wants to run a local gathering pipeline across someone's land will pay a lot less than Shell is willing to pay--given you can't move the cracker plant. Interstate pipelines will likely pay something less too. But still, we find it interesting and useful to know what Shell is up to in Beaver. We don't have a lot of data points, yet. In June, we learned that Shell paid roughly $75 per foot for 3,138 linear feet of pipeline space in Greene Township (see New Easement for Shell Ethane Cracker Pipeline Reveals Price Paid). In July, Shell paid ~$43/foot for 2,675 linear feet of pipeline space (see Latest Amount Shell Paid for Ethane Pipeline Easements Goes Down). We now have two more data price points to share with you...

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