Enviro Radicals Target MVP in Va. Following WV Court “Win”
The lawyers that infest the Sierra Club are still celebrating a temporary court victory last week that essentially stops construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) in West Virginia (see Sierra Club Succeeds in Delaying MVP Project in WV via Court Order). Their strategy was/is to bamboozle a court into stopping construction at stream crossings (hundreds of them) by using a technical loophole that MVP can't complete required work at four of the crossings within the stated 72 hours, therefore the court needs to reassess the umbrella permit issued for all crossings. So the court is doing that, temporarily suspending work at all 591 streams MVP plans to cross in WV. The Sierra Clubbers think that because they won that temporary court victory in WV, maybe they can get lightening to strike twice, convincing the court to pull the permit in Virginia too...
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