Talen Energy’s Montour, PA Coal to Gas Power Conversion Nearly Done
In November of 2020, MDN told you about a deal Talen Energy cut with the odious Sierra Club, signing a pledge to convert several coal-fired power plants to use natural gas in both Maryland and Pennsylvania (see Talen Energy Dumping Coal, Converting Elec Plants to Gas in PA, MD). The Clubbers promised to stop suing Talen in return for converting the plants from coal to gas. In February 2022, we told you that Talen had made a little bit of progress with converting its Washingtonville (Montour County), PA plant by clearing a path for a new gas pipeline (see Talen Energy Works on Converting Montour, PA Power from Coal to Gas). We had not heard anything further–until now. Yesterday Talen issued its quarterly update and mentioned that the 1.5 GW Montour coal-to-gas conversion is nearly complete!
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