28 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Sep 23 – 29

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There were 28 permits issued to drill new shale wells in Marcellus/Utica for the week of Sept. 23 - 29, down slightly from the 32 issued the prior week. The Keystone State (PA) had 15 new permits, with seven of them going to Range Resources, most of them in Washington County. Three permits were issued to Chesapeake Energy in Bradford County, and two permits were issued to Southwestern Energy in Susquehanna County. As of Tuesday, Chesapeake and Southwestern combined in a merger to form Expand Energy (see Chesapeake & Southwestern Complete Merger; Now #1 U.S. Gas Driller). It's going to take a while before the name change flows through to new permits, so we'll keep reporting on the permits by their given names for now.

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