McClendon Hauls in Another $1.2B, Utica Shopping Spree Continues
Aubrey McClendon is a high roller kind of guy–I think we can all agree on that one. We respect a guy who can put together deals like Aubrey can. A few weeks ago he announced that he had done deals to lease another 130,000 acres in the Ohio Utica Shale (see McClendon Confirms 3 New Utica Shale Deals: Hess, XTO, Paloma). Now he has to come up with the cash to pay for the deals. The company already has some of the cash, but they need more. Yesterday Aubrey announced that his new company, American Energy Partners, has raised an eye-popping additional $1.2 billion in cash, bringing his grand total (so far) to $2.9 billion raised since last October. The man has sure got some moves!
Here’s the latest complicated financing deals Aubrey’s been up to so he can continue snapping up Utica acreage, of which he once famously said “[the Utica] is the best thing to hit the state of Ohio economically since maybe the plow”…
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