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McClendon’s American Energy-Utica Signs OH Water Deal with MWCD

The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD) continues its pro-drilling ways. MWCD was organized in 1933 to reduce the effects of flooding and conserve water for beneficial public uses, oversees 16 dams and reservoirs across 22 counties in Ohio, covering 20% of the state. A huge part of Ohio is under the oversight and control of the MWCD. We’ve previously covered their deals with Antero Resources to lease District property for drilling. We’ve also covered District deals to sell water to Antero and other shale drillers. Last week they signed a new deal, much smaller than others they’ve signed, to sell water to Aubrey McClendon’s American Energy-Utica subsidiary. American Energy will pay $6 per 1,000 gallons (a little over half a penny per gallon). The deal is only for three months–from May through July…
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EMG Stabs McClendon in the Back re Chesapeake Data Lawsuit

backstabberThis is a strange and complicated tale that boils down to this: Aubrey McClendon has a singular talent for finding and taking money from people who later turn around and stick a knife in his back. You may remember in February the story we brought you that Chesapeake Energy had sued its former co-founder, Aubrey McClendon, claiming he stole data on his way out the door (see Chesapeake Energy Sues McClendon for Taking His Rolodex with Him). McClendon responded that he contractually had every right to take the data he took with him (see McClendon Hires Top PR Firm to Respond to “Stolen Data” Charge). This is where it gets complicated. Aubrey has spun off several companies from his new company American Energy Partners (AEP). For example, one of the companies (named in the Chesapeake lawsuit) is American Energy-Utica, LLC, (AEU), operating in Ohio’s Utica Shale region. A major funding partner for AEU is Energy & Minerals Group (EMG). EMG is, essentially, in charge of AEU. EMG has just cut a deal with Chesapeake, behind Aubrey’s back, to give Chesapeake 6,000 acres of leases in northern Harrison County along with $25 million in extortion, er ah hush money, er ah “damages” thereby removing EMG/AEU from the Chesapeake lawsuit. The lawsuit against Aubrey and mother company AEP will continue–but the child company/EMG investors won’t be part of it. Aubrey is hopping mad because EMG didn’t tell him nor seek his blessing on their deal with Chesapeake…
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Who’s Still Leasing Land and Where in WV?

Who’s leasing land for drilling–and where? Perhaps the bigger question is, are drillers still leasing land?! The answer to that would be a resounding “yes, they are still leasing.” We don’t have a comprehensive overview of where people are leasing, but we spotted a list of leases filed with the clerk in Wetzel County, WV and found it interesting. Here’s who leased, how much acreage, and which energy company they signed with (sorry, no lease terms with signing bonuses and royalties, just acreage & driller)…
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McClendon Looking to Sell 29K Utica Shale Acres in Ohio

Hats off to Columbus Business First and intrepid reporter Tom Knox for unearthing what we consider to be some pretty big news: Aubrey McClendon and his American Energy Partners are shopping 29,000 acres of Utica Shale leases in Ohio. At last count, McClendon has raised over $10 billion, much of it used to purchase land deals in the Utica and Marcellus (see Aubrey McClendon Raises Huge $8.7B for Shale Drilling…So Far and Aubrey Goes Shopping Again, Wants Another $2 Billion for Drilling). He’s amassed around 250,000 acres in the Ohio Utica Shale. Now he’s beginning to sell some of it. Where? We have the answer…
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Harrison County, OH Hauls in $1.6M in 2 Weeks from Utica Leases

Even though the price of oil and natural gas is depressed, there are still lease deals happening–particularly in the Ohio Utica Shale region–that make your eyes pop out. Whoops! Just had to put an eyeball back in. It popped out at the latest lease numbers coming from Harrison County, OH where they’ve taken in $1.6 million over the past couple of weeks…
Read More “Harrison County, OH Hauls in $1.6M in 2 Weeks from Utica Leases”

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McClendon Hires Top PR Firm to Respond to “Stolen Data” Charge

Last week we told you about the silly lawsuit filed by Chesapeake Energy against its former co-founder and CEO Aubrey McClendon (see Chesapeake Energy Sues McClendon for Taking His Rolodex with Him). Chesapeake says McClendon took a bunch of data with him when he left and (gasp) used it to aggressively lease property in the Ohio Utica Shale. That is, they’re ticked that Aubrey continues to outclass them in every conceivable way. Did they think he’d just shrivel up and die after they tossed him out the door? Get real! Aubrey isn’t taking it lying down. This is a public relations battle as much as a court battle and in addition to having ace attorneys, Aubrey has hired one of the top PR firms in the country–Edleman–to respond to the Chesapeake lawsuit…
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Chesapeake Energy Sues McClendon for Taking His Rolodex with Him

This is rich. Yesterday Chesapeake Energy sued its former co-founder, Aubrey McClendon, claiming he took his rolodex (“contacts list” for our younger readers) with him when he left the building. Chesapeake said the data McClendon took with him had “trade secrets” in it. McClendon, in responding to the frivolous lawsuit, said that the data he took was part of his contractual agreement with Chesapeake. McClendon was and remains Chessy’s biggest partner, with a working interest in almost all of the wells they’ve drilled. Apparently his ongoing relationship with the company he co-founded bothers the Powers That Be (corporate raiders Carl Icahn and Mason Hawkins)…
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OH Coal Company Sues McClendon to Obtain Copies of Leases

Robert Murray, who owns a coal company that operates under the name Murray Energy, sued Aubrey McClendon in 2013 when McClendon used the name American Energy Partners for his new company. Murray, you see, owns a subsidiary company in Ohio named American Energy Corp. Murray says ole Aubrey has infringed on his company’s name and trademark, so he sued (see McClendon Gets Sued in OH Over New Company’s Name). That was the last we had heard of it, until now. It seems the case is alive and well and Murray has just filed brief saying ole Aubrey should be forced to produce copies of leases he has with landowners in Ohio…
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Trusted McClendon Lt. Takes Reigns as CEO of Northeast Drilling

Aubrey McClendon has just entrusted the main part of his fledgling new company, American Energy Partners LP (AELP), to a trusted lieutenant. MDN told you last week that AEP was combining their Utica and Marcellus shale operations–on paper separate entities–into one larger subsidiary of AEP called American Energy Appalachia Holdings, or AEA as they now call it (see McClendon Utica/Marcellus Subsidiaries Combine & Form New Company). The man who was/is running AEA is Jeffrey A. Fisher. Until now, Fisher was Chief Operating Officer of the American Energy Partners mothership AELP. Now he’s the CEO of AEA. That is, he’s the CEO over roughly 90% of Aubrey’s newly amassed empire…
Read More “Trusted McClendon Lt. Takes Reigns as CEO of Northeast Drilling”


McClendon Utica/Marcellus Subsidiaries Combine & Form New Company

After getting the unceremonious boot out the door from Chesapeake Energy in early 2013, the company he co-founded 24 years earlier, it only took a few months for Aubrey McClendon to form a new company and raise billions of dollars of new capital investment (see He’s Baaaack! Aubrey McClendon is Back in OH Shale Country). The new company is called American Energy Partners (AEP). Since AEP’s founding, McClendon has done what he always does–create a plethora of subsidiary companies on paper for tax purposes, or to (temporarily) hide his ownership interest. McClendon has put the pedal down and has aggressively formed companies and attracted, at last count, nearly $9 billion (see Aubrey McClendon Raises Huge $8.7B for Shale Drilling…So Far). Part of McClendon’s strategy has been to spin off his new empire into “pure play” subsidiaries (see Another Brilliant McClendon Move: ‘Pure Play’ Public Companies). Yesterday, AEP announced that two of Aubrey’s biggest pure play subsidiaries, American Energy – Utica and American Energy – Marcellus, will combine to form a new pure play company called American Energy Appalachia Holdings…
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McClendon Deal Last June was HG Energy’s OH Utica Acreage/Wells

Columbus Business First is reporting that during this past summer’s wheeling and dealing by Aubrey McClendon and his American Energy Partners (see McClendon Buys 48K WV Marcellus Acres, 27K More OH Utica Acres), McClendon picked up HG Energy’s Ohio Utica Shale acreage–all 27,000 acres–along with HG’s already-drilled Utica Shale wells (in the June announcement HG was simply referred to as “an unnamed private company”). HG Energy has now fully exited the Utica Shale. Oh! Two of the HG wells purchased by McClendon as part of that deal were in the top 10 most productive wells in the state for 3Q14. Yet another smart move by Aubrey…
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Aubrey McClendon Raises Another $500M for More Leases

Low oil prices don’t seem to be affecting Aubrey McClendon’s ability to raise cash. He’s just landed another half a billion dollars, which he plans to use to lease more land in the Utica, Marcellus and two other shale plays. McClendon and his American Energy Partners is also looking for new employees. Hey Chesapeake workers–tired of answering to Carl Icahn and seeing your friends axed from the payroll (wondering if you’re next)? Send your resume to Aubrey! Here’s the AEP announcement from yesterday…
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Muskingum Watershed District Sells only 136M Gal of Water So Far

The Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD), organized in 1933 to reduce the effects of flooding and conserve water for beneficial public uses, oversees 16 dams and reservoirs across 22 counties in Ohio, covering 20% of the state. It is a massive area under the oversight and control of the MWCD. We’ve previously covered their deals with Antero Resources to lease District property for drilling. We’ve also covered District deals to sell water to Antero and other shale drillers (see Muskingum Watershed Votes to Sell 209M Gals of Water for Fracking). Although the district has voted to sell 209 million gallons of water, so far in 2014 they’ve only sold 136 million gallons–or the amount of water used in four days by the city of Akron, OH. According to officials with the MWCD, water sales have had a “negligible” impact on the reservoirs–lowering the several reservoirs used by less than 3/4 of an inch. MWCD lowers reservoirs more than that each year for winter anyway–so actually there’s been no impact, especially since much of the water sold flows through pipelines instead of tanker trucks…
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AEP Well “Malfunction” Leads to Evacuation of ~400 Homes in SE OH

evacuationA mechanical malfunction at a producing American Energy Partners Utica Shale well in Jefferson County, OH caused the evacuation of about 400 area homes from Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning, according to the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR). The well, near the Mingo Sportsmen’s Club, was successfully shut down by Boots & Coots International Well Control Inc. Although area residents interviewed said they didn’t feel in danger, it’s still disconcerting (and a hardship) when something like this happens. Here’s an ear-witness account…
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High Level Defection from Chesapeake Energy to McClendon’s AEP

Somehow John Reinhart, lately Senior Vice President for Operations and Technical Services at Chesapeake Energy in charge of 1,400 people, survived the mass firings by corporate raider Carl Icahn and his toady Doug Lawler, the nominal CEO of Chesapeake (see Chesapeake’s CEO Celebrates Axing 1,200 People Making Carl More $). So it must have really hurt when Reinhart defected, as was announced yesterday, to go to work as Chief Operating Officer of Utica/Marcellus for his old boss Aubrey McClendon over at Chesapeake II–known as American Energy Partners (AEP). Like a phoenix rising rising from the ashes…
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MarkWest Signs Up McClendon’s New Company as Utica Customer

Yesterday MarkWest Energy and their partners The Energy & Minerals Group and Ohio Gathering Company announced they’ve signed up Aubrey McClendon’s new company American Energy Partners (AEP) as a major new customer in the Utica Shale. Ohio Gathering will hook up their pipelines to AEP’s drilled Utica wells and pump natural gas and liquids, and MarkWest will process it all. The natural gas part will be processed in MarkWest’s Cadiz complex in Harrison County, OH and its Seneca complex in Noble County, OH. AEP’s NGLs will be fractionated (separated) at MarkWest’s Hopedale complex…
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