
Bloom Off the Rose? McClendon $eeks Help from Investment Banks

bloom is off the roseWe always thought Aubrey McClendon could sell snow to Eskimos–as the now-politically incorrect but old saying goes. Aubrey can charm money out of your grandmother. At last check more than a year ago he’d raised $8.7 billion of OPM–other people’s money–for use in his aggressive drilling ventures (see Aubrey McClendon Raises Huge $8.7B for Shale Drilling…So Far). We’re pretty sure that number exceeded $10B at some point over the past year. But then this year we began to hear whispers that Aubrey wasn’t paying his bills (see Problematic: McClendon’s AEP Not Paying Some of its Bills). And then Bloomberg published a hit-piece saying Aubrey had sold his investors a bill of goods (see Has Aubrey McClendon Finally Hung Himself with High Debt?). Indeed it appears the bloom is off the money-raising rose for Aubrey. According to inside sources, Aubrey has hired investment banks (plural) to help him find more money to keep going…
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McClendon Nearly Triples Australian Shale Deal – 55M Acres!

unconvetional wildcattersThree weeks ago MDN told you that Aubrey McClendon and his American Energy Partners had made their first foray into international oil and gas drilling (see Aubrey McClendon Leases 21.5 MILLION Acres…in Australia?!). McClendon’s move was to lock up acreage under lease, which is how he typically operates, and figure out how to finance the drilling later. Once he got going, Aubrey just couldn’t help himself. He didn’t stop with 21.5 million acres as originally announced–he kept right on going and ended up cutting four deals Down Under for a total of an eye-popping 55 million acres! And he’s working on a deal for ANOTHER 10 million acres!! Here’s the details as we know them…
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Federal Court Decides McClendon Can Keep ‘American Energy’ Name

court gavelWe finally get to close the loop on a story we first brought you in 2013 (see McClendon Gets Sued in OH Over New Company’s Name). Robert Murray, owner of Murray Energy–a bigtime coal mining operation–sued Aubrey McClendon’s newly formed and named American Energy Partners over the use of the name “American Energy.” Murray operates a coal mine near Beallsville (Monroe County), OH under the name American Energy Corp., and has for years. He said McClendon’s use of the name infringes his own use of that name/brand. Finally, two years later, a federal court in Ohio has dismissed Murray’s lawsuit…
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Aubrey McClendon Takes on the World: New JV in Mexico

The CharmerWe don’t know how he does it, but it seems Aubrey McClendon can charm money out of just about anyone. Not even two weeks ago we told you that McClendon cut a deal to lease 21.5 million acres in Australia for shale drilling (see Aubrey McClendon Leases 21.5 MILLION Acres…in Australia?!). Apparently not content with the U.S. and Australia, McClendon announced today he’s charmed money out of Mexico’s EIM Capital to “jointly pursue” opportunities in oil and gas drilling south of the border. The press announcement below seems to indicate that McClendon is the one doing the investing–into EIM Capital. But that makes no sense. McClendon is up to his eyeballs in debt (see Has Aubrey McClendon Finally Hung Himself with High Debt?). Which leads us to say, Aubrey has the unusual ability to charm money from just about anyone (and make them think Aubrey’s the one doing the investing!)…
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Aubrey McClendon Leases 21.5 MILLION Acres…in Australia?!

g'day mateIt’s not often that MDN writes about natural gas drilling in Australia. This time there’s a tie-in with the Utica/Marcellus. Aubrey McClendon, former CEO of Chesapeake Energy ejected from the company he-cofounded by an evil corporate raider (Carl Icahn); Aubrey McClendon, founder of American Energy Partners and subsidiary American Energy Appalachia Holdings that has since fled and become its own company called Ascent Resources; Aubrey McClendon, who could charm a billion dollars from Satan himself and leave old Lucifer smiling at being shafted; that Aubrey McClendon has just signed a deal with an Australian company to secure the rights to drill on 21.5 MILLION acres Down Under (in Australia). This is Aubrey’s first foray outside of the United States–and boy what a splash he’s making! Never mind McClendon’s Ascent Resources is saddled with so much debt it can’t repay that Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded the company to its lowest rating level, meaning “Substantial risks – In default” (see Has Aubrey McClendon Finally Hung Himself with High Debt?). Apparently McClendon’s recent track record here at home doesn’t bother the Aussies. They’ve just leased to a bona fide celebrity!…
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Has Aubrey McClendon Finally Hung Himself with High Debt?

An article on Bloomberg takes aim at famed wildcatter Aubrey McClendon, calling his move into the Marcellus Shale a “misadventure” that has left investors holding an empty bag. According to the article (excerpts below), McClendon’s strategy after leaving Chesapeake Energy was to get a bunch of money from investors (load up on debt) and then work off the debt over time as production ramps up. Problem is, the price of natural gas and oil collapsed after he loaded up on debt, and consequently there’s been very little production, and the money that comes from production is tiny. The debt hangs around Aubrey’s neck like a millstone. The question now is, has Aubrey finally hung himself with high debt? Can Ascent Resources–the one-time American Energy Partners subsidiary that broke away–survive the mountain of debt it carries long enough for prices to turn around?…
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Ascent Resources/EMG Sues Aubrey McClendon’s Law Firm for Fraud

bad bloodEverybody’s suing everybody. That about sums up the mess created (sadly) by none other than Aubrey McClendon. The subsidiary businesses that were once part of McClendon’s new company, American Energy Partners (AEP), continue to run away from Aubrey as fast as they can. On Monday, Ascent Resources, once called American Energy Appalachia Holdings but separated from the AEP mothership in June (see Big McClendon News: Sells 35K Utica Acres, Creates New Company), sued the law firm representing Aubrey in the “stolen data” case brought by Chesapeake Energy. Yes it’s complicated and it’s a mess. We’ll attempt to sort this all out so it’s understandable…
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McClendon’s American Energy Partners Gets a New CFO

American Energy Partners, Aubrey McClendon’s new company founded after he was unceremoniously tossed from Chesapeake Energy (the company he co-founded), continues to befuddle us. As we noted in June, some of the subsidiary companies under Aubrey’s AEP umbrella are leaving the nest–even to the point of changing their name so it’s completely dissimilar to AEP (see McClendon’s New Empire Continues to Separate and Leave). Is that Aubrey’s plan playing out? Or are people running as far and fast as they can from McClendon? Frankly, we don’t know. We tend to think it’s the later, to be honest. One of the folks who has left Aubrey behind was AEP’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jennifer Grigsby. She recently left AEP to became CFO of Ascent Resources. Ascent operates in the Marcellus/Utica and used to be American Energy Appalachia Holdings. They are now 100% independent and free from AEP. So McClendon dipped into the Chesapeake talent pool and lured away an old mate he used to work with at Chessy to become the new CFO for AEP–Elliot Chambers…
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McClendon’s New Empire Continues to Separate and Leave

we're outta hereAubrey McClendon’s new American Energy Partners continues to shed its component parts. Just two weeks ago MDN brought you the news that the largest subsidiary of the company in the Marcellus/Utica region, American Energy Appalachia Holdings, is being spun out into a 100% standalone company, changing its name to Ascent Resources (see Big McClendon News: Sells 35K Utica Acres, Creates New Company). Aubrey himself is still on the board of Ascent, but virtually everything about the new company, we’ve been told, has nothing to do with McClendon. It’s as if they’re running as far and fast as they can away from McClendon. Now, a second large subsidiary of American Energy Partners–the midstream part of the company–is doing the same thing. American Energy – Midstream, LLC announced today it is changing its name to Traverse Midstream Partners LLC (Traverse Midstream). Traverse is transitioning to a 100% standalone company, fully independent of the mother ship American Energy Partners. According to the press release, the spin-off into a new company was “contemplated since the company’s founding in June 2014.” The new company will be totally and completely separated effective July 1, 2015…
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Problematic: McClendon’s AEP Not Paying Some of its Bills

Houston, We Have a ProblemDoes Aubrey McClendon’s American Energy Partners (AEP)–the new company he founded after being unceremoniously booted from Chesapeake Energy–have cash problems? You certainly wouldn’t think so. At last check in May 2014, McClendon had raised a staggering $8.7 billion in little more than a year (see Aubrey McClendon Raises Huge $8.7B for Shale Drilling…So Far). But the evidence keeps piling up that Aubrey isn’t paying his bills. In April, McClendon created a “blank check” company to raise $200 million in cash (see Aubrey McClendon’s New “Blank Check Company” Looks to Raise $200M). In May, Paloma Resources said a 3-way deal including McClendon’s AEP to lease 130,000 acres in the Ohio Utica Shale went bust because Aubrey didn’t have enough money to close the deal (see McClendon Running Out of Money?! Paloma Utica Deal Goes Bust). Last week MDN told you about a contractor working for AEP with several hundred thousand dollars in outstanding invoices that have gone unpaid–for more than 120 days (see Big McClendon News: Sells 35K Utica Acres, Creates New Company). Now the latest: a group of Ohio landowners have sued McClendon’s AEP along with an affiliate company and a land services company working for AEP, for non-payment of lease bonuses…
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Big McClendon News: Sells 35K Utica Acres, Creates New Company

Big-news.jpgWe have major news coming from Aubrey McClendon’s American Energy Partners (AEP). A lot of news. So buckle in. First we’ll tell you the news, then we’ll give you our take on that news–what it means. In brief, the news coming from AEP HQ in Oklahoma City is this: (1) AEP’s Marcellus/Utica AEP subsidiary, American Energy Appalachia Holdings, has been spun out into a 100% standalone company and has changed its name to Ascent Resources; (2) the CEO of Ascent is the same guy who was the CEO of American Energy Appalachia Holdings–trusted McClendon lieutenant Jeffrey A. Fisher; (3) Ascent has cut a deal with Gulfport Energy to sell 35,000 prime Utica Shale acres for $407 million; and (4) Ascent has just sold shares in the company and taken out new loans for $977 million, giving them $700 million in cash after they pay off certain other loans. Whew! Here’s the details, along with a little news of our own about AEP…
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Details on Gulfport’s Purchase of 35K AEP Utica Acres + New Stock

As we report in our lead story today, Aubrey McClendon’s American Energy Partners has decided to spin out it’s Marcellus/Utica operation into a brand new, 100% independent company. That new company, formerly called American Energy Appalachia Holdings, is now called Ascent Resources. Ascent has turned around and immediately sold 35,325 net acres in prime Utica Shale country–Monroe, Belmont and Jefferson counties in Ohio–to one of AEP’s chief competitors in the Utica, Gulfport Energy. In addition, Gulfport has just announced they are floating another 10 million shares of stock. If the new shares sell for anything close to today’s current share price, that will net the company another $440+ million. Below we have the details (from Gulfport) on the deal with AEP to purchase prime Utica acreage complete with four drilled wells and a pipeline gathering system, along with Gulfport’s announcement about the new stock offering…
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McClendon Running Out of Money?! Paloma Utica Deal Goes Bust

Can you spare a dimeIn February 2014 MDN told you about a deal cut by wildcatter Aubrey McClendon to lease 130,000 acres in the Ohio Utica Shale, a deal with three different companies (see McClendon Confirms 3 New Utica Shale Deals: Hess, XTO, Paloma). At least one of those deals, with Paloma Resources, went bust this year. According to Paloma’s president, Christopher O’Sullivan, Aubrey didn’t have enough money to close the deal. Which makes us ask the question, is Aubrey running out of money to finance his massive expansion in the Utica?…
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Another Belmont County Landowner Threatened with Forced Pooling

In April MDN told you about a landowner in Belmont County, OH who had questions and objections to phrasing in a proposed lease agreement from XTO Energy that talks about “nuisance oil” (see XTO Threatens Belmont County, OH Landowner with Forced Pooling). NEVER sign a lease without running it by a competent oil & gas attorney, and ALWAYS get the sometimes obscure terminology in a lease explained before you sign it. That’s our advice. We have another story along the same lines as the “nuisance oil” story–language that energy companies can’t or won’t explain to landowners. This one also comes from Belmont County, OH–perhaps the hottest of the hot places for drilling right now in the Utica Shale. A landowner from Martins Ferry, OH says XTO offered him an eye-popping $8,000 per acre signing bonus with 20% royalties, and Aubrey McClendon’s American Energy Partners offered $6,000 per acre with 20% royalties. Both have a “market enhancement clause” in the lease. The landowner didn’t like the clause, fearing it would reduce his royalties. The landowner was told by either XTO or AEP or both (we’re not sure), that they would force pool him if he didn’t sign. By force pooling him he would not get a signing bonus at all and only a 12.5% royalty. These kinds of strong-arm tactics give the industry a black eye in our opinion…
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Aubrey McClendon’s New “Blank Check Company” Looks to Raise $200M

signed blank checkEver hear of a special-purpose acquisition company, or SPAC? How about a “blank check company”? No, neither had we. The man who once described himself as the biggest fracker in the world, Aubrey McClendon, filed paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on April 7 to float an initial public offering (or IPO) for a company called Avondale Acquisition Corp., which describes itself in the filing as a “newly organized blank check company” that will “focus on potential mergers or other deals with existing businesses in the onshore U.S. oil and gas sector.” It is, in a sense, just a different pocket being sewn onto Aubrey’s trousers from which he can dip his hand in and pull out money placed there by other people–to buy more leases and operations in places like the Utica and Marcellus. How much money does Aubrey hope to find in that pocket? About $200 million…
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McClendon Deepens the AEP Bench with 3 New Hires

OKC ThunderAubrey McClendon, former CEO of Chesapeake Energy, current CEO of American Energy Partners and the media’s favorite bad boy of fracking–knows a thing or two about developing a deep bench. In addition to Aubrey’s focus on natural gas drilling, he’s one of the co-owners of the Oklahoma City Thunder NBA basketball team. So Aubrey knows it’s good to have a lot of talent on the bench and in the game. In that spirit, Aubrey has just made three more hires to, as he says, “broaden and deepen” his management team. Yesterday American Energy Partners announced that it has hired Scott D. Sachs as Senior Geoscience Executive Advisor, James C. Johnson as Senior Marketing and Midstream Executive and Traci D. Cook as Chief Accounting Officer…
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