Binghamton Natural Gas Summit: National Association of Royalty Owners Executive Director Jerry Simmons
Jerry Simons was the final presenter at the March 18 Binghamton Natural Gas Development Summit. He is the executive director of the National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO). According to Mr. Simmons, NARO is the only organization to represent landowners that is completely independent and not attached to energy companies in any way.
NARO was founded in 1980 after the “windfall profits tax” was passed by the 96th Congress, a 35 percent tax on oil royalties. NARO fought against the tax, and it was eventually repealed in 1988.
NARO is an educational and advocacy group, chartered as a 501(c)3 and 501(c)6 non-profit organization. There are state chapters of NARO. New York and Pennsylvania fall under the Appalachia Chapter which covers the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast areas of the country.
As an example of what NARO does for royalty owners: Mr. Simmons said the Depletion Tax Allowance, part of federal law since the 1920s, is under assault by the Obama Administration. They tried to take the allowance away last year but were unsuccessful. They are trying again this year, as part of the 2011 budget. NARO is fighting against it. [MDN Comment: The Depletion Tax Allowance treats royalty owners as part owners of an asset, allowing them to “write down” the value of the asset as it is used up, in this case mineral deposits being the asset. Bottom line—if this allowance is taken away, taxes to the federal government go way up for royalty owners.]