Explaining Global Warming Hysteria in Two Words: Panic = Profit
Our friend Mark Mathis at the Clear Energy Alliance has done it again. Mark has produced another fantastic, short video (4 1/2 minutes long) that superbly explains the modern “climate crisis” panic that we see being forced on the public day after day by a compliant media. We are told by very stupid people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Occasional-Cortex) that we have just 10-12 years and then it’s all over. We’re done. We’re toasted. Because we continue to burn fossil fuels. She’s a certifiable idiot. Why do large multi-national corporations, Big Green groups, and others continue to promote her wildly wrong theories and Green New Deal? As Mark so eloquently summarizes: panic = profit. People are making money from this gigantic global warming hoax.
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