PA Landowners Get Tax Break for Well Depletion Starting This Year
Pennsylvania mineral rights owners (i.e., landowners) now have a well-deserved tax break thanks to a bill passed by the PA legislature and signed into law last summer (see New PA Bill Gives Shale Landowners Same Tax Breaks as Investors). Under Senate Bill (SB) 654, individual landowners receive the same tax benefits afforded to investors. If a company buys mineral rights and the right to receive royalty payments from oil and gas well production, the company, under IRS rules, gets to claim a simple percentage depletion allowance. Essentially, the company only pays income tax on 85% of the royalties it receives. Under SB 654, that same allowance (beginning with taxes filed in 2025 for 2024) applies to landowners in PA. Read More “PA Landowners Get Tax Break for Well Depletion Starting This Year”