With Jeb Bush out of the Republican presidential primary, the old-line Republican establishment has closed ranks behind Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Which is why we find him disgusting. We no longer vote for politicians that promise one thing and do another (ex: Bob Dole, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Marco Rubio). That’s the definition of establishment. They view themselves as the ruling class–something we left behind 240 years ago when we formed this country to rid ourselves of such people. Those in the energy industry are not immune to the siren call of serving the establishment. The co-founder and former CEO of Devon Energy, Larry Nichols, has just become Rubio’s energy advisor in return for “hosting a fundraiser” for the Senator (translation: giving him big piles of money). We call that purchasing a seat at the table. Before you get too outraged, please know that this goes on ALL THE TIME in both parties. And has for years. MDN editor Jim Willis used to work in the Ronald Reagan White House, and we saw it there too. Big monied people donate, and when the candidate wins, those same people either get top posts in the administration, like Secretary of Energy, or they get cushy postings as an ambassador to some country like France, or Belize (in the tropics). We find it disheartening and distressing. But it is the way things are. Unless we change it. Below is the news about Nichols buying himself a place at the Rubio table…
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