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Eureka Temporarily Idles Bradford County Shale Wastewater Plant

Eureka Resources, which operates three frack wastewater treatment facilities in the Marcellus Shale, has idled one of its three plants, the Standing Stone plant in Bradford County, PA. According to an inspection report by the Department of Environmental Protection conducted on August 19, Bob Cooney, Vice President of Operations at Eureka Resources, told the DEP inspector that the facility’s “primary customer” had stopped sending wastewater to the plant. As a result, all plant employees were laid off as of approximately July 30. This morning, MDN spoke to Eureka CEO Dan Ertel about what’s going on at the plant and plans for the future. Read More “Eureka Temporarily Idles Bradford County Shale Wastewater Plant”

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Eureka Resources Cancels Shale Wastewater Plant Planned for Dimock

In March 2021, Eureka Resources announced plans to build a Marcellus Shale wastewater treatment facility in Dimock (Susquehanna County), Pennsylvania (see Eureka Building Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock, PA). Yep, that Dimock, the one made famous by the lying Josh Fox of Gasland fame. Both Dimock Township and the Susquehanna County Planning Commission gave their stamp of approval for the project a year later (see Town, County Approve Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock). Eventually, the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued a water quality permit for the project. Unfortunately, Eureka recently announced that it is abandoning the project and will not build it after all.
Read More “Eureka Resources Cancels Shale Wastewater Plant Planned for Dimock”

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Sen. Muth’s Attempt to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant Dismissed Again

Pennsylvania State Senator Katie Muth’s attempt to block a proposed frack wastewater treatment plant in Dimock (hours away from her own district) has bombed out yet again. Muth tried to challenge and block a permit for the plant, an effort which was mostly rejected in court in June 2022 (see PA EHB Dismisses Senator’s Request to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant). The PA Environmental Hearing Board (EHB), a special court set up to hear challenges to Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) decisions, allowed Muth one final remaining way to continue her challenge — by claiming she has “individual standing” to challenge the permit as a resident of the state. That effort bombed out when the EHB ruled against her in November 2022 (see Sen. Katie Muth’s Attempt to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant Dismissed). But, you know, antis have endless reserves of money from shadowy sources. Muth appealed it again, this time to the PA Commonwealth Court.
Read More “Sen. Muth’s Attempt to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant Dismissed Again”

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Ex-employees Request Criminal Probe Against Eureka Resources

Earlier this week, Pennsylvania State Senator Katie Muth, a virulent anti-shale hater from the Philadelphia suburbs, held a press conference with a so-called investigative reporter from the Public Herald and two former employees from the Eureka Resources’ Williamsport frack wastewater treatment facility. The employees and reporter leveled some extremely serious accusations about the safety and working conditions at the facility. Exposure to toxic substances and even to low-level radiation is alleged. Four former workers sent a letter to the Lycoming County District Attorney asking him to launch a criminal misconduct investigation.
Read More “Ex-employees Request Criminal Probe Against Eureka Resources”

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Frack Water Spill at Eureka Resources Plant in Williamsport, PA

An undetermined amount of fracking wastewater spilled at the Eureka Resources wastewater recycling facility in Williamsport (Lycoming County), PA, at about 9:10 a.m. yesterday. The incident prompted a response by city firefighters and police. The water came from a valve on a tank inside the facility, where oil, chemicals and other substances are removed from fracking wastewater. Contrary to initial reports, nobody (no employees nor first responders) was injured or became ill from the spill.
Read More “Frack Water Spill at Eureka Resources Plant in Williamsport, PA”

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Eureka Turns PA Marcellus Wastewater into Lithium Carbonate

lithium carbonate

Eureka Resources, which operates three frack wastewater treatment facilities in the Marcellus Shale (and building a fourth facility in Dimock, PA), is doing really cool stuff. In October 2019, the company began extracting lithium from Marcellus wastewater at one of its plants in Bradford County, PA (see Marcellus Wastewater Plant in PA Extracts 1st Batch of Lithium). In 2020, the company said its plants could theoretically supply up to 25% of the country’s annual lithium demand–solely with lithium recovered from Marcellus wastewater (see Eureka Can Supply 25% of US Lithium Demand from Marc. Wastewater). Eureka announced yesterday its Marcellus plants have successfully extracted 97% pure lithium carbonate from oil and natural gas brine with up to a 90% recovery rate.
Read More “Eureka Turns PA Marcellus Wastewater into Lithium Carbonate”

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Sen. Katie Muth’s Attempt to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant Dismissed

Pennsylvania State Senator Katie Muth’s attempt to block a proposed frack wastewater treatment plant in Dimock (hours away from her own district) has completely bombed out. Muth tried to challenge and block a permit for the plant, an effort which was mostly rejected in court back in June (see PA EHB Dismisses Senator’s Request to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant). The PA Environmental Hearing Board (EHB), a special court set up to hear challenges to Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) decisions, allowed Muth one final remaining way to continue her challenge–by claiming she has personal “standing” to challenge the permit as a resident of the state. In September, Eureka Resources, the builder of the facility, asked the court to quash her claim of standing (see Dimock Wastewater Plant Hits Back Against PA Sen. Katie Muth). The court granted Eureka’s request on Wednesday.
Read More “Sen. Katie Muth’s Attempt to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant Dismissed”

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Worker Dies After Accident at Eureka Resources Plant in Wysox, PA

Jeremy Lanzo, pictured with his beautiful family and Santa

Some sad news to share with you that had escaped our notice until today. A 39-year-old man from Sayre, PA, Jeremy Lanzo, died from burns that he received in an accident at Eureka Resources’ shale wastewater treatment plant in Wysox Township (Bradford County, PA) on Tuesday morning, Sept. 13. Initial media accounts report there was an explosion at the plant. However, Eureka CEO Dan Ertel says flatly, “There was no explosion.” Eureka treats and recycles wastewater (brine) from Marcellus Shale wells.
Read More “Worker Dies After Accident at Eureka Resources Plant in Wysox, PA”

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Dimock Wastewater Plant Hits Back Against PA Sen. Katie Muth

Pennsylvania State Senator Katie Muth’s attempt to block a proposed frack wastewater treatment plant in Dimock (hours away from her own district) is failing spectacularly. Muth tried to challenge and block a permit for the plant, an effort which was mostly rejected in court back in June (see PA EHB Dismisses Senator’s Request to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant). The Environmental Hearing Board (EHB), a special court set up to hear challenges to Dept. of Environmental Protection decisions, allowed Muth one possible remaining way to continue her challenge–by claiming she has personal “standing” to challenge the permit as a resident of the state. Eureka Resources, the builder of the facility, is firing back against anti-fossil fuel Muth, asking for the court to quash her claim of standing. Also, an ethics charge against Muth has been filed with the State Ethics Commission over this issue.
Read More “Dimock Wastewater Plant Hits Back Against PA Sen. Katie Muth”

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PA EHB Dismisses Senator’s Request to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant

The Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board (EHB) partially dismissed a challenge brought by Philly-area State Senator Katie Muth. She seeks to block Eureka Resources from moving forward with the construction of a new shale wastewater recycling facility in Dimock, PA–a location hours away from her own district. The EHB ruled that Muth has no standing under the PA Environmental Rights Amendment (ERA) to bring a challenge. The proposed facility is not in her district and there’s nothing that ties her to that location.

CLARIFICATION: The EHB ruling said Sen. Muth has no standing based on the ERA and her office as Senator. However, the EHB did not totally dismiss the case as it could not agree on her standing (ability to challenge) based on her status as an individual resident of PA. See our detailed note below.
Read More “PA EHB Dismisses Senator’s Request to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant”

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PA EHB Judge Rejects Request to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant

In March 2021, Eureka Resources announced plans to build a Marcellus Shale wastewater treatment facility in Dimock (Susquehanna County), Pennsylvania (see Eureka Building Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock, PA). Both Susquehanna County and Dimock Township approved the Eureka project (see Town, County Approve Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock). The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) has thus far issued one of two required permits. Seemingly out of nowhere, leftwing Democrat State Senator Katie Muth (from the Philadelphia area) filed an appeal with the DEP’s Environmental Hearing Board (EHB) attempting to block Eureka’s Dimock project (see SEPA Dem Attacks NEPA Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock). EHB Judge Steven Beckman rejected Muth’s request last week for a temporary order blocking construction.
Read More “PA EHB Judge Rejects Request to Block Dimock Wastewater Plant”

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SEPA Dem Attacks NEPA Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock

In March 2021, Eureka Resources announced plans to build a Marcellus Shale wastewater treatment facility in Dimock (Susquehanna County), Pennsylvania (see Eureka Building Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock, PA). Yep, that Dimock, the one made famous by the lying Josh Fox of Gasland fame. Three weeks ago MDN brought you the news that both Susquehanna County and Dimock Township have approved the Eureka project (see Town, County Approve Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock). The Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) has not yet approved the facility. Seemingly out of nowhere, leftwing Democrat State Senator Katie Muth (from the Philadelphia area) has filed an appeal with the DEP’s Environmental Hearing Board attempting to block Eureka’s Dimock project.

NOTE: We updated our post (below) shortly after publishing with a copy of the legal response from Eureka to Sen. Muth’s appeal.
Read More “SEPA Dem Attacks NEPA Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock”

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Town, County Approve Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock

One year ago, in March 2021, Eureka Resources announced plans to build a Marcellus Shale wastewater treatment facility in Dimock (Susquehanna County), Pennsylvania (see Eureka Building Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock, PA). Yep, that Dimock, the one made famous by the lying Josh Fox of Gasland fame. While the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) has not yet signed off on the facility, we do have progress to report. Both Dimock Township and the Susquehanna County Planning Commission have given their stamp of approval for the project.
Read More “Town, County Approve Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock”

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Eureka Building Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock, PA

Eureka Resources currently operates three frack wastewater treatment facilities in the Marcellus Shale, two in Williamsport (Lycoming County), PA (where the company is headquartered), and one in Wysox (Bradford County), PA. In October 2019 the company began extracting lithium from Marcellus wastewater at its Wysox facility (see Marcellus Wastewater Plant in PA Extracts 1st Batch of Lithium). Eureka can currently provide up to 25% of the entire country’s demand for lithium, just from Marcellus wastewater (see Eureka Can Supply 25% of US Lithium Demand from Marc. Wastewater). Eureka has just announced it is expanding current operations in Wysox and will soon begin construction of a new facility in Dimock (Susquehanna County), PA.
Read More “Eureka Building Marcellus Wastewater Recycling Plant in Dimock, PA”

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Eureka Can Supply 25% of US Lithium Demand from Marc. Wastewater

Eureka Resources, which operates three frack wastewater treatment facilities in the Marcellus Shale, is doing really cool stuff. In October 2019 the company began extracting lithium from Marcellus wastewater at one of its plants in Bradford County, PA (see Marcellus Wastewater Plant in PA Extracts 1st Batch of Lithium). On Tuesday the company announced it has received its fourth patent for its lithium extraction process. The company also said its plants can theoretically supply up to 25% of the country’s annual lithium demand–solely with lithium recovered from Marcellus wastewater!
Read More “Eureka Can Supply 25% of US Lithium Demand from Marc. Wastewater”

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Eureka Resources Awarded Patent for O&G Wastewater Work in Marc.

Eureka Resources, which operates three frack wastewater treatment facilities in the Marcellus Shale, is doing some really cool stuff. Last October the company began extracting lithium from Marcellus wastewater at one of its plants in Bradford County, PA (see Marcellus Wastewater Plant in PA Extracts 1st Batch of Lithium). Yesterday the company announced it has received its third patent for the process it uses to recycle wastewater. The company also said it plans on expanding its technology and wastewater recycling operations to other shale plays.
Read More “Eureka Resources Awarded Patent for O&G Wastewater Work in Marc.”